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Friday, August 19, 2011

Sleep Deprived

Wow... when I was getting ready to be a daddy, I had all these preconseived notions of what fatherhood would be like. Most were true, like lots of screaming, crying, pooping, puking and peeing, not to mention the lack of one on one time between Kelly and I (which now seems like a distant dream).... However, as with any idea or conception  you never really think of all the angles before hand...  Though I knew that we would not be getting as much sleep as we are use to, I had no idea how little sleep we would actually get... I feel like a zombie on the good days! Running on a virtual 'auto pilot' at home, work, church, with friends; the quick whit and natural conclusions that came so naturally with sleep, is now gone, along with that little brain-mouth filter thing I worked so hard to develop after highschool...

Speaking of sleep... 2.0's down for the moment... I think I'm going to do the same! Who knows when he's going to decide it's morning time... midnight, 2am... oh, 4am, an hour before I have to get up for work... never fails!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Though I knew that a baby would be up crying most of the night, I had no idea how easy it would be at the time he needs me nor how much I would miss sleep later that day... or week... Surprisingly enough I gave up sleep last Sunday afternoon to allow Kelly to sleep for a couple hours. It's so nice to look at my little boy and think of all the stuff we'll be able to do as he grows! I think that's what gets me through the hard times, what gives me the grace to stay up with him and Kelly late into the night as he screams his poor little head off. My decisions now determine how he develops later on. We did find out that he's a water baby like I was when I was his age. Tonight when he was screaming his head off, we gave him a bath to calm him down and it worked for a couple hours... now he's crying again... I think it's gas... poor lil guy!
Monday, March 21, 2011

Jesus Loves The Little Children....

Yes, He does love ALL the little children of the world... Even the crying screeming ones who keep mommy and daddy up on into all hours of the night even though daddy has to get up in the morning and go to work to put food on the table and keep a roof over head... Yes... Jesus loves even them... and yes, so do I. Good night, little one... Sleep tight now.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Babies Change EVERYTHING!!!

On Wednesday, Feb 23, 2011 at 9:01 AM, Nathaniel Allen Ward II was born into this world. I am amazed by how much such a little guy can just throw everything in my universe out of whack! Not necessarily in a bad way, but in unexpected ways. People can plan all they want to for a child, but when it comes right down to it, you can never really know how a little bundle of joy will change you and those around you.

Kelly and I could never have imagined that it was possible to love someone so much so quickly and without any question as we do our son! We noticed that we both have the tendency to forget to show eachother attention or affection as we are both so focused on our son. We will be moving into a bigger apartment which costs more and Kelly will be working less cutting out a good chunk out of our income. Kelly and I will be working opposite shifts so we will not get to see eachother as often as we are used to.

It's not only affecting our lives though, it's affecting the lives of our families and friends. There are people who I didn't expect to be around who stepped up to the plate and went above and beyond our expectations and there were others we expected to be all over this event who have chosen to have nothing to do with it. Friends are coming back and others are making themselves distant, We can't go out to do the things with friends that we could do before. Heck, Kelly and I can't have our dates every week like we could before! No more 'fun time,' at least not as much... Not to mention all the other things I can't do any more... No more listening to my hard rock, hip hop, rap and techno music... no more loud music!

...So, why then am I so happy to have a baby? Because he is a little peace of me and Kelly that will go on beyond me. He is a blessing from the Lord. He is a chance to help make tomorrow better than today. Lil Nathan is something I would give anything for and NOTHING will change that. I am so happy to be a father, and he and Kelly give me a renewed reason to keep going.
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dear Non-Pregnant Person...

 Dear Non-Pregnant Person,
I hope you find these guidelines helpful in your interactions with pregnant women, as failing to follow them may result in serious physical harm. If you are thinking, surely she doesn’t mean me – then you should probably read this twice.

1. The appropriate response to a couple telling you they are having a baby is ‘Congratulations!’ with enthusiasm. Any other response makes you a jerk.

2. Through the wonders of science, we now know that babies are made ONLY by the mother and father – not grandparents. Unless the baby is in your uterus or you are the man that helped put it there, you may not ever use the phrase ‘my baby’.

3. On the same note, unless you made the baby as defined in 2, the pregnancy, birth, and raising of the child are not about you. You do not have input. No one wants to hear your opinion unless they ask for it…

4. The body of a pregnant woman should be treated the same as any other body. You would not randomly touch someone’s stomach if they were not pregnant, nor would you inquire into the condition of their uterus, cervix, or how they plan to use their breasts. Pregnancy does not remove all traces of privacy from a woman.

5. Likewise, no woman wants to hear comments on her weight…ever. A pregnant woman does not find it flattering that you think she is about is pop, must be having twins, looks swollen or has gained weight in her face. Telling her she looks too small only makes her worry that she is somehow starving her baby. Making such comments invite her to critique your physical appearance and you may not act offended. The only acceptable comment on appearance is ‘You look fabulous!’.

6. By the time we are 20-30 years old, most of us have picked up on the fact that the summer is hot. We are hot every summer when we are not pregnant. We don’t need you to point out that we will be miserably hot before the baby comes. Nor do we need to know how badly you will feel for us because we will be pregnant during the summer and how glad you are that YOU will not be pregnant this coming summer.

7. There is a reason that tickets to Labor & Delivery are not yet sold on Ticketmaster. Childbirth is actually not a public event. It may sound crazy, but some women really do not relish the idea of their mother, MIL, or a host of other family members seeing their bare butt and genitals. Also, some people simply feel like the birth of their child is a private and emotional moment to be shared only by the parents. You weren’t invited to be there when the baby was created, you probably won’t be invited to be there when it comes out either.

8. Like everything else in life, unless you receive an invitation, you are NOT invited. This includes doctor appointments, ultrasounds, labor, delivery, the hospital, and the parent’s home. You do not decide if you will be there for the birth or if you will move in with the new parents to ‘help out’. If your assistance is desired, rest assured that you will be asked for it.

9. If you are asked to help after the birth, this means you should clean up the house, help with cooking meals, and generally stay out of the way. Holding the baby more than the parents, interfering with breastfeeding and sleeping schedules, and making a woman who is still leaking fluid from multiple locations lift a finger in housework is not helping.

10. The only people entitled to time with the baby are the parents. Whether they choose to have you at the hospital for the birth or ask for you to wait three weeks to visit, appreciate that you are being given the privilege of seeing their child. Complaining or showing disappointment only encourages the parents to include you less.

All the Pregnant Women in the World

(written by a woman on Kelly's pregnancy message board (as far as I know))
Saturday, January 22, 2011

What Will It Be Like...?

 I often try to imagine what it will be like…

What will our boy will look like? Will he know my voice? Will I know him? Will I be able to pick him out of a crowd of other babies? What will it be like to bring him home? What will it be like to have a little baby in the apartment? Will I love him? Will I be a good daddy? Will I raise him with honor and strength while still passing onto him a love for God and the beauty that He placed all around us?

I find myself tearing up… and no, it’s not just something in my eye. I am scared to death that I don’t have what it takes to be a good daddy. My own dad had to fight between hanging with us boys and working and work won out due to necessity. I didn’t want that for my children, but now it seems that, by nearsighted choices I have made in my life, that I have condemned my children to the same fate that my father and I had while I was growing up… I hate thinking about that future. I want more for my child than what I chose for myself.

The question is where do I go from here?
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Babies Change EVERYTHING: Getting Over Myself

To this point Kelly and I could do practically whatever we wanted when ever we wanted to do it… i.e. NO kids… Now I knew that was going to change once I was startled awake by Kelly’s frantic screams of joy coming from the bathroom one early morning about 8 months ago. However, at that point, though a mere 9 months away from our life changing experience, it felt more like 9 years away…

Now here we are with the last month looming over me (well, us…) as if to say ‘enjoy your life as you know it while you can, because all of this… yeah it’s out the window once lil Nate comes!’ That means No more working the same shift with Kelly at the same job with Kelly, and since we both need to work, and we can’t do the daycare thing without really handing over one of our monthly paychecks every month, so we need to work opposite schedules so the only time we will get to see each other is when we are sleeping together… And I mean sleeping! Not the other fun thing that comes to mind!

However… After all that I have been through in my life, and after all that God has helped me through, I must remember to look to Him for guidance through this rough time. Yes, though Kelly and I hate not seeing each other (that’s why we got married) we will figure something out. Yeah, my dreams of becoming a pastor may be pushed back another couple of years as will Kelly’s dreams of becoming a mass market published author, but then again, God does work in mysterious, weird, wonderful and interesting ways… 

Plus, we need the adventure of raising a boy!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Another Mad Dash to L&D...

Boy! This child just can not wait to make his big debut... Kell and I ate currently in Labor and Delivery the second time in 7 days... after writing down the times today, it lookis like her contractions were at around 2 - 3 minutes at there closest. I was writing them down while we were at work hoping we wouldn't have to come back... Our Doc said if there are more than 6 in an hour to call their office... so that's what I did and they told me to bring her back to L&D.

Just the thought of bringing that little guy home now sends a shoot of fear though my body! I still feel so unprepared... now I know we wouldn't be taking him home now since he'd be 1.5 months early and he'd have to go to the NICU. It's scarry to think of the logistical side of being a father! It's about enough to make a grown man faint.... maybe I shouldn't say that....

FYI: Just so you don't think I'm neglecting my wife while writing this entry... Every things fine now and we're about to be discharged... Kell's gonna stay at home the rest of the day...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Morning

Today is one of the last times in the next 20 some odd years that I will get to sleep in on Christmas… No anxious arousal from slumber for myself or my wife over what lay under the Christmas tree this year. Christmas has ceased to hold the self centered excitement and mystery it once had as a child. The next two years our boy will still be too young to know what’s going on, but babies have the tendency to cry at weird times through the night, so sleeping (to say nothing of sleeping in) for the next few years is not going to be happening any how. But once regular sleep is reestablished, every Christmas thereafter will be filled with early wakeup calls by little Nate eager to open what ever boxes Santa Claus left for him the night before…

Kelly and I were looking through Toy R Us for the registry and I wanted to go the ‘fun’ toys and began to dream of what I will get for young Nathan… Choo-choo trains and legos… remote control cars and erector sets…I was just standing there in the middle of the isle while tears are welling up in my eyes thinking about all the Christmases to come, and how wonderful it will be to watch as my little boy gets to open this or that; seeing the look on his little face as he is overjoyed… It makes me wonder if that’s how Dad and Mom felt in years past. Though, I think that I will probably be the one who is waking up early in the morning eagerly awaiting the arousal from slumber of Nathan to watch as he unwraps what boxes lay under the tree… That brings my heart hope.
Monday, December 13, 2010

Parental Supervision

I was just talking with Kelly about people we would let babysit little Nate, and a couple names came up where I thought “not without parental supervision…” Then I a thought occurred… I will be ‘parental supervision’ … WHAT?!?! Since when??? I’m the one who needs parental supervision (in my mind at least); I can’t BE parental supervision!!! What qualifies me to be bestowed with such authority? Oh, just because I got my wife pregnant and she popped him out means I’m qualified to be ‘parental supervision…’ Whose bright idea was this anyways?

Although, this may not be as bad or as scary as I may think… It could be fun being ‘parental supervision…’ I’m basically a big kid, however I guess I have ‘grown up’ a little more than I thought… I am concerned about certain people we know not having contact with our kid without parental supervision… I’m scared of people dropping him when they hold him or getting their germs all over him. I worry about providing for him and not being around enough for him. However I also think about eating ice cream and pizza with him, and teaching him to tie his shoes and ride a bike. I want to learn with him the martial arts and hunting. I want him to learn humility and grow a servants heart. I want him to learn to love beauty and the Creator of beauty.

Maybe… just maybe, I’m ready to be this parental supervision I’ve heard so much about as I was growing up… Maybe… with God’s help.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Geezer Alert!

Now, this may make me sound a bit like an old dude, but I  Just had a thought... I was thinking about some old video games I loved growing up as a kid... you know the ones, the side scrolling 4, 8 and 16 bit and even 32 bit games like Sonic, Mario Bros, Metroid, etc... the Classics! should I introduce little Nate to the classics before letting him see the 3D games? How about movies? Original Star Wars vs the newer, 'flashier' prequal?
OK... I know... this won't even be an issue for another 4-5 years! But I want him to have good taste... substance... old fashioned gameplay skills (at risk of soundind like grandpa kong on Donkey Kong Countrey)! My folks tried the same thing with my brothers and I and some of it stuck... at least the important stuff... like Keith Green and Michael Card.
Heck... I've already started the bombardment of Keith Green on him! Good stuff!


This time of the year brings back a lot of memories both good and bad… one of the good ones are of times my dad would make us shovel snow for Emery and Ethel, an elderly couple who lived next door to us. My brothers and I hated doing this the first few years we were drafted into this non-government sanctioned form of child labor, however as the years passed, I at least (don’t want to speak for my brothers on this one) came to expect it. When I was 12, we moved away from our home on 4th street to a place out in the country, away from most elderly people and well away from most people period.
That winter, I asked my dad who would shovel snow for Emery and Ethel that year, and he said we would. So my dad and I got dressed up and geared up to go snow shoveling. We drove 30 minutes back over to our old place and shoveled their snow. In thinking about what it means to be a good daddy, I think of what my daddy did for me. He taught me what it was to be a servant of the Lord not only by what he said and told me to do, but by his actions. See, when us boys were shoveling snow, so was he. In fact, we really weren’t doing a whole lot. In the time it took the three of us boys to clear a 9 ft section of side walk (3 ft per kid), dad would have gotten 3 times that done. He really didn’t need our help, he was trying to pass this desire to help others in need on to us.
Now that I’m the daddy, I hope that I can do the same.
Monday, December 6, 2010


So, a BIG realization I had (almost immediately) was the shear amount of selflessness I will need to have! Now I know that I preach about being selfless a lot and I try to live by that as best as I can (which hasn’t been that hard for me). However, I am trying to get used to the idea that I will not be able to do what I want when I want within reason… but now that ‘within reason is changing, becoming more restrictive… Where now, going out to Applebee’s and having a burger and hot wings with Kelly once a month is a treat, after a few months, going to McDonald’s drive thru for a couple 99¢ McDoubles and a Happy Meal with Kelly and the baby will be a treat… Date nights replaced by runs to Wal-Mart for diapers and wipes… New hard drives for an ever changing wardrobe for the ever growing baby boy…

All spare money will be spent on the baby and then some… This is one of those fears that I have: That I will need to work two or three jobs just to make ends meet and that might not even be enough… then, I never get to spend time with my little guy and he grows up not knowing me. Although, a lot of people who talk about these kinds of doomsday scenarios often spend their money rather frivolously with cable or worse satellite instead of just regular TV, or buying brand new cars instead of used, or having a larger place to live then necessary… Maybe I’m blowing this fear out of proportion, but then again, what dad would truly be a Dad without worrying about money?

Giving up things that I like for my boy because I want what’s best for him though is a true demonstration of love. I’m not going to be a selfish father who uses what he has earned for only his own interests and to the determent of his family. Looking back on the last five and a half years with Kelly, I have always put her needs before my own, almost instinctively. I’ve always made sure that I treat her well no matter what. Yes, I will need to become more selfless, but that will come once the time comes.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

First Time Daddy...

There are many realizations about being a daddy both good and bad that have popped into my mind in the last 5 months... A lot of fears and hopes... A lot of dreams and self doubts... A lot of excitement and a lot of terror. Obviously the first realization was "I'm gonna be a Daddy!" as tears of overwhelming joy streamed down my face. The second realization came quickly on the first... "Holy cra-- cow... How in the world am I going to support the THREE of us???"

In the following months and years, I would like to share these and more with you as I go through these probably not so uncommon situations... I hope you find my trek entertaining and hopefully enlightening at times.